Heating system additive

This heating system additive claims to reduce heating costs by between 10-15%.


Water, in a conventional central heating system, is heated by passing it through a boiler. Water passes through the boiler tubes, where the water in immediate contact with the tubes boils. This nucleate boiling creates large irregular bubbles at the metal water interface and these bubbles carry the heat into the main water flow. Very soon however, the very size of these bubbles cause them to coalesce, which impedes heat transfer into the bulk water.

EndoTherm™ simply changes the way water boils at the metal/water interface. When a heating system is treated with EndoTherm™, the myriad of small bubbles formed at the nucleation sites on the boiler metal surfaces, pulls the heat away from the boiler faster than in untreated water. This has claimed to have been proven in live test environments such as hospitals, schools, domestic housing and laboratories, resulting in documented 10% – 15% energy savings.


  • Less energy used to heat your radiators to the required leveL.
  • Improved maintenance of your system.
  • No corrosive effects to your system.
  • Very cost effective.
  • Easy to install with rapid results.
  • Eco friendly, natural ingredients.



A standard water bath heated by an immersion coil and circulated using a single stirrer, was filled with 10 litres of tap water and set to achieve a bulk water temperature of 80ºC. The temperature of the water was measured in the centre of the bath at a depth of 1 inch.

The temperature of the water was plotted against time. The experiment was repeated using water to which an optimum amount of EndoTherm™ was added. The temperature recorded by the digital thermometer was plotted against time and the graphs are presented in Figure 1 (below).

The water containing EndoTherm™ reached the control temperature of 80ºC in 0.85 of the time it took for water without any treatment to reach the control temperature.
The results demonstrated an energy saving of 15%.


100ml of tap water was heated under standard laboratory conditions in a shallow Pyrex dish. Temperatures were measured, using a calibrated digital thermometer, maintained in the centre of the water volume and then plotted against time to reach 100ºC.

The experiment was repeated using water to which EndoTherm™ had been added.

It can be seen from the graph that water containing EndoTherm™ (red line) boils before the ordinary water (blue line) reaches 90ºC.

For more details check out the Endo Enterprises website.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Energy saving products featured on this website should not be interpreted as being endorsed by Epsilon Consultants (IOM) limited.

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